Mastering the calculation (design) and choosing the right materials and equipment (integration) requires know-how and expertise far beyond academic competence.
This requiresexperience and creativity.
This requires genius !
Our main areas of expertise
Bridges and Viaducts
Our team of experts contributes to the realisation of your road infrastructure projects.
Multi-storey buildings
From simple shoring to re-shoring. From complex challenges to routine. We make sure we help our contractors deliver on their promises.
Civil Engineering and Major Works
Pont Champlain, Réseau Express Métropolitain (REM), Autoroute Henri IV, Pont Pierre Laporte. Tous ces ouvrages ont en commun et portent fièrement une signature : « NadeauSDM »
NadeauSDM working structure
Based on our methods department and our years of expertise on construction sites, the NadeauSDM work structure ensures the quality of your work in line with your challenges and your overall needs. Our work method acts as a tool for your profitability. Using it fully secures your site and your budget.
Understanding the project and the visionsEstablishment of requirements and creative solutions in collaboration with the client to optimise the methods required to complete the project.
Creative engineering solutionsCreation and development of an optimal solution tailored to your structural and process needs on site. (Equipment + Engineering + Turnkey solutions)
Hybrid engineering and supply solutionCombining the benefits of optimised design with the provision of the right equipment for your project.
Equipment supply logisticsCoordinating with existing teams to procure and deliver specialist equipment when required.
Accompaniment and collaborative supportFollow-up with the experts on site throughout the project to ensure the quality of the mandate given.